
Jennifer Wong’s poetry course: an introduction on poetic forms and storytelling
by Paola Caronni

I enjoyed Jennifer Wong’s poetry workshop, organised by Kubrick Poetry, very much. Jennifer picked interesting forms of poetry, like ekphrastic poetry, sonnet, prose poems – and themes like family, food, self, city, identity, etc. that were very familiar to all of us. The process of creating a poem following a theme or a prompt, and workshopping other people’s works, was very useful. It was a framework that allowed us to push ourselves to write more and deliver our work on time. It was good to have the possibility to do so via Google Drive, and the system put in place by Kubrick Poetry worked well, even if having a dedicated area/website set up by Kubrick together with Google Drive, pushed people to opt for Google Drive only. It was a pity that not many people replied or commented on the website dedicated to the workshop, which was supposed to serve as a forum.

The material that Jennifer shared with us, informative or in the form of famous poets’ works, was really the best way to get inspired. The pace of the workshop was good and we had enough time to prepare our own drafts. I liked reading the poems of my classmates to have a different view about how the same topic was seen from other people’s perspectives.

The three live sessions were the highlights of the workshop, and I wish we had more of them, as they were interactive and therefore more stimulating. During these sessions, we could share ideas with our classmates, ask Jennifer any questions and get an immediate reply, and go through the process of commenting on the different edits and other classmates’ poems in a very constructive way. Finally, during our last class, it was good to virtually meet Jane Commane who, as a poet and editor, shared her insight with us.

Jennifer is a very engaging tutor, always willing to share tips and advice. She was able to make us all feel comfortable and willing to learn from each other, with the aim of possibly turning our drafts into polished poems.

The workshop was overall a very useful learning experience for me, mainly because of the weekly commitment to writing following a set theme; the sharing of ideas; the constructive comments from our tutor/poet, and the continuous ‘conversation’ with our classmates.

It also made of me a more ‘focused’ poet, who pays attention to the form, the rhythm and the message that I want to convey when I write. 

Finally, I was very glad that the ekphrastic draft poem written during one of the workshop classes, ‘Inle Illusion’(and polished later), was published by the German-based online journal ‘The Wild Word’ and entered by them for ‘Best of the Net 2021’.

Jennifer Wong’s Eco-poetry course: Learning poetry voice and forms through eco-poetry   
by Joy Al-Sofi

I found the Ecopoetry class with Jennifer Wong to be very stimulating. Her reading materials and visuals, along with the suggested exercises helped me to focus more on my concerns regarding the environment in new ways, such as focusing on a particular animal photo, and a wildlife video and seeing where it led. The class encouraged me to explore both sonnet form and prose poems, which I had not worked with previously.

Jennifer Wong’s Eco-poetry course: Learning poetry voice and forms through eco-poetry   
by Jon McLeod (based in UK)

I hugely enjoyed the Ecopoetry course run by Poetry Kubrick and expertly tutored by Jennifer Wong. The course brought together participants from Hong Kong and around the world, leading to fascinating discussions.

 Jennifer’s stimulus material and prompts for writing were all brilliant. There were plenty of opportunities to develop initial drafts in the session and share work in progress. Each participant received extremely positive and helpful feedback from Jennifer and other participants in both written and verbal form. I felt that I came away from the course with a much better understanding of ‘Ecopoetry’ and with several poems of my own to develop further. 

The administration of the course was excellent – everything ran very smoothly and queries were addressed quickly and fully. The course material was easily accessible throughout the course.

 I would certainly recommend this course or any other run by Poetry Kubrick to anyone interested in improving their poetry writing and widening their knowledge of contemporary poetry. 

Mitch Berman’s fiction course: Writing from a grain of sand
by Yeung Chak Yan (based in Japan)

Mitch is a great teacher. He spent a lot of time on each of our stories, giving detailed comments and great suggestions on how we could improve our writing. He also tailored his lectures based on our questions and our stories, covering many topics from writing techniques to choosing literary magazines for submission. I learned a lot from this course!

Mitch Berman’s fiction course: Writing from a grain of sand
by Vishal Nanda

Mitch’s class is fantastic. Aside from his experience and feedback that was specific to each of our pieces, Mitch also created an open and constructive environment for discussion among all of us, whether about the text he assigned or for each other’s work. His advice and comments have helped me improve as a writer and his passion for good composition is contagious. I cannot recommend him highly enough! 







意外收獲的是,廖老師講故事般的註解,非在其他文章中找得到。文詞間的跳動和呼應,有著視覺藝術中對物件擺置的處理方式。有此體會後,我也常分享此法給學生們。此外,喜歡他將古今、中西、雅俗串通來講,也只有他這種通博之人,才有此能耐。最欣賞的是,廖老師作為香港詩人,人雖不在,仍心繫香港,將香港的歷史,生活,文化,和他對社會的想法融在教學中,體現作為活躍詩人( practicing poet) 教學的可貴之處。有幸他仍肯教,分享他的洞察,感恩。




我分別在2021年的2月及5月參與了Poetry Kubrick舉辦的廖偉棠的詩歌寫作班「學古寫今之道」以及李智良的實驗書寫工作坊,獲益良多,故此分享。若日後再開辦類似的工作坊,我也非常推薦熱愛文學的朋友們參加。





每一個時代都有人們需要面對的困難。是的,對一些人而言(包括我)坐在電腦前學習是痛苦的,可是我堅信萬事都是雙面的。在屬於自己的空間開啟無限的空間,也許是一件不錯的事。我依然很珍惜這數月的學習及瘋狂創作,也感謝Poetry Kubrick、兩位老師、同學們的相伴。謝謝。